Wednesday 18 November 2015

Caramel Pudding

Caramel Pudding


1.      75 gm grain sugar

2.      75 ml cold water

3.      2 eggs

4.      2 egg yolks

5.      450 ml milk

6.      1 Tbsp. castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

  • Beat the eggs and egg yolks together with vanilla essence.
  • Add milk while stirring.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • Dissolve sugar and water together until caramelized. 
  • Line serving dish with the caramel. 
  • Pour the custard over the caramel. Cover with foil. 
  • Place some water in a pressure cooker (enough for it to last the length of your cooking time).
  • Now place something like a katori in it and then a perforated metal plate (cookers usually have them).
  • Over this place the pudding to be steamed.
  • The plate should be above the water, not touching it. Seal the pressure cooker and cook without the pressure for about 20 minutes.
  • Take the pudding out of the cooker, turn upside down into a dish and serve.

Source: food.ndtv
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